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1 CuriousLurker  Dec 11, 2014 2:18:05am

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O my Lord,
if I worship You from the fear of hell,
cast me into the fire.
If I worship You out of desire for paradise,
then exclude me from it.
But if I worship You
only for the sake of earning Your pleasure,
then I beg You not to withhold
Your eternal beauty from me.
—Rabi’ah Al-Adawiya

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The Man of God is drunken without wine:
The Man of God is sated without meat.

The Man of God is rapturous, amazed:
The Man of God has neither food nor sleep.

The Man of God is a king beneath a humble cloak:
The Man of God is a treasure in a ruin.

The Man of God in not of wind and earth:
The Man of God is not of fire and water.

The Man of God is a sea without a shore:
The Man of God rains pearls without a cloud.

The Man of God has a hundred moons and skies:
The Man of God has hundred sunshines.

The Man of God is wise through Truth:
The Man of God is not a scholar from a book.

The Man of God is beyond faith and disbelief alike:
For the Man of God what ‘sin’ or ‘merit’ is there?

The Man of God rode away from Non-being:
The Man of God has come, sublimely riding.

The Man of God Is, Concealed, O Shamsudin!
Search for, and find—The Man of God.

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My God and my Lord,
eyes are at rest, stars are setting,
hushed are the movements of birds in their nests,
of monsters in the deep.

And Thou art the Just who knoweth no change,
the Equity that swerveth not,
the Everlasting that passes not away.

The doors of kings are locked,
watched by their bodyguards;
but Thy door is open
to him who calls on Thee.

My Lord,
each lover is now alone with his beloved
and Thou art for me the Beloved.
—Rabi’ah Al-Adawiya

2 William Barnett-Lewis  Dec 11, 2014 4:38:20am

Ah, beautiful wisdom there. Thank you.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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